Q3 2024

Innovation in Business- Q3 2024 | 16 Expert Support for Financial Planning Life Insurance Success Compare Your Life is the home of the iFace software innovating the world of financial planning and Life Insurance. It offers comprehensive software that give the users the flexibility they need to grow and manage their business well. The iFace software supports the Financial Planner from the very first time you receive the lead through to their payment being received. The software has many modules that include a CRM with email and SMS sweepers, Task and Workflow Management, document creation including Statements of Advice, Bulk Emails, automated Fee Disclosure Statements and a Commission Module which allows advisers to see on a daily basis what they will be paid at the end of the period. iFace also includes a client portal known as self-care, where clients can complete Fact Finding details which automatically updates the CRM. The software also has the functionality of digital signatures which can be used for Fact Finds, Advice documents, and Ongoing and Fixed Term Service agreements. Additionally, iFace has automated reporting capability, to run practice management reports on a weekly basis with a notification sent to the user. For example automated reports notifying the adviser of due dates for generating the Fee Disclosure Statements and Consent documents. As it is an all in one system, there is no double handling of information and each module interlinks with the other which creates efficiencies.This is where Compare Your Life comes in to save time and resources, so that financial planners are more able to carry out their jobs effectively. There’s so much more to financial planning than getting lost in the data, so why not delve into Compare Your Life’s iFace software to free up your time? Rebecca comments, “We are passionate about the Financial Planning industry and especially all aspects of Life Insurance. Our Deeply rooted in its experience within the Financial Services Sector, Compare Your Life has all the experience needed to understand and address the pain points of running a successful practice. Here to empower and liberate its clients through its dedicated work, Compare Your Life acts a buttress for many. We learn more from Managing Director Rebecca Firns as the company is recognised in our Top 10 Innovators 2024 feature. platform is dedicated to supporting all financial planners who provide risk advice, by providing them with one software platform that has all the required tools and resources they need to find to provide risk advice with ease.” “Comprehensive product information and expert knowledge are combined to a powerful, completely automated solution, which creates a compliant process with minimum administrative input.” Proud of what the business does, and how it operates as an everevolving team, Rebecca comments, “We are highly focused on our development and have an ongoing plan for it. We will soon be releasing some unique modules, such as a research module that has a distinct feature of product ratings based on the client’s goals and objectives, rather than a static rating. “Embarking on a new journey always comes with uncertainties and discoveries. One piece of wisdom that often resonates with me is the importance of embracing change and uncertainty. It’s crucial to remain adaptable and open-minded, as the most significant growth often occurs outside of your comfort zone.” Of course, without an open-minded approach, businesses would be less likely to find new ways to operate. Exploring alternative avenues within automation, Compare Your Life continues to innovate the realm of financial planning. Rebecca shares, “We receive commission statements from around 20 providers every week. These statements are formatted differently and contain information for multiple advisers. To streamline the process, we have developed the Commissions Module. With this module, we upload the commission statement into our Master CRM system, iFace which then distributes the relevant information to the corresponding adviser’s iFace account. This enables the adviser to view their earnings and any deductions for the week on a daily basis.” Providing software to empower Life Insurance writers, Compare Your Life uses automation to elevate our experience of financial services. We’re sure to see the company continue to exceed expectations as it keeps its end goals in sight, appreciates the process and the small victories – all while paving the way to success for financial planners everywhere. Contact: Rebecca Firns Company: Compare Your Life Pty Ltd Web Address: www.compareyourlife.com.au May24012 Top 10 Innovators 2024