Q3 2024

May21135 members to experience more from Justlin, on an exclusive basis. Furthermore, introducing its overseas communications app for Australia, Justlin’s work has become well known outside of Europe. Steley is a new way of communicating and finding new people to connect with. As we age we may find it more difficult to find new connections and networks, but Steley is changing everything. The team at Justlin takes pride in their contribution to the world of technology as they continue to work tirelessly in their creative endeavours. “Through creativity, innovation, motivation, and coherent concepts, we have managed to grow continuously and to continually develop our product and service range year after year.” As we all know, behind a strong team is a committed leader there to guide them every step of the way. We’re here to celebrate Stefan Heller’s success in our Technology CEO of the Year Awards earlier this year, especially as he devotes himself to his company’s development. After working at WBN Invest and Appitioner Aps., Stefan has swiftly become one to watch in the corporate world. Additionally, as acting partner of FGF Stall, Co-Founder of Saemann & Heller, and CEO of Justlin Ltd., Stefan brings years of experience to the world of technology, communications, and media. Working hard to streamline innovation through technological advancements, Stefan is taking positive steps forward year upon year. Not only has he led Justlin to success, but his achievements for FGF Stall and Saemann & Heller have been outstanding. For example, Saemann & Heller is a digital, visual communications company which is altering the trajectory of the industry. As we live in an ever-evolving digital age, it is absolutely imperative that businesses and individuals have access to unique digital strategies which can help companies, brands, and institutions to flourish. Uniting traditional branding, marketing, and communications with the changing digital world, Stefan is setting an example for those dreaming to enter the industry. Being part of three core companies for so many successful years is no small feat, yet Stefan’s dedication has kept customers and clients coming back for more – time and time again. With great technology comes great power, especially as the corporate landscape shifts towards a higher need for digital services. Expanding further across Europe in the near future, in addition to its global reach, Justlin is able to confidently say that it is reaping the benefits of its sturdy subsidiary’s foundation. Juggling so many projects may not be easy for some, but Justlin’s expertise and specialist attention has meant that its clients and customers have always been greeted with the technology they have sought after. With all of its applications and platforms, and Stefan’s experience behind it, Justlin is guaranteed to see excellent growth for the rest of 2024, and beyond. Recently, Stefan was awarded with Communication & Media Solutions CEO of the Year 2024 – Malta and we know there’s much more to come from the team at Justlin, especially with Stefan at the helm. We’re sure to see many more products, platforms, and services come from the company as the years go by. Founded in 2016, Justlin Ltd. delivers pioneering solutions for its customers through its many services. Its Job Portal aids businesses and individuals alike to advertise the work which they have completed, through creative means. Translating ideas into coherent concepts, this award-winning company’s work ensures that craftspeople and other service providers can then submit their bids to Justlin’s creative clients. Guaranteeing that its clients can set the duration of the quotation phase, and that, at the end of the bidding process, its clients can choose the right offer for them once they have weighed up their options. Allowing for searches on the advertised orders to be made for full-text search categories, and location, Justlin makes it easy for them to be identified and understood, so that the bidding process may commence in a seamless fashion. The company’s Rental Portal means landlords can advertise their rental price, deposit, minimum rental period, and other conditions may be chosen and set entirely by the individual themselves, making the process customisable and simple for the owner of the property. The Learn Portal by Justlin helps learners to pay for their courses directly – at the time of booking – to ensure they receive a credit account upon their registration. With this easy process, using PayPal or an alternative, each course is seamlessly paid for straight away – making it easier to access courses as well as giving educational institutions a guaranteed payment as soon as the course is selected. Justlin is also home to an innovative real-time geolocation tracking app and its Justlo chat7 platform. Both of these technologies have been exclusively built for Justlin’s clients – delivering a seamless platform to registered members. Its tracking and mapping capabilities, as well as its communications platform allows for Communication & Media Solutions CEO of the Year 2024 – Malta With projects all over the world, Justlin Ltd. offers creative and innovative scripts to start your own business, as well as delivering its applications and platforms to positively impact its customers. Moreover, the company continually aids businesspeople and startups alike in their journeys, whether that’s with its pioneering job portal, carsharing portal, learning portal, real-time geolocation tracking tool, or rental portal, there’s something for everyone. Led by CEO Stefan Heller, the company has experienced success since 2016. Here we take a look at Stefan’s contribution to the corporate landscape as he recently won his title in our Technology CEO of the Year Awards 2024. Creativity, Innovation, Motivation, and Coherent Concepts